
Wow. It’s been too long~


Well I’m not back. I’m just updating. I have a new blog . Check it out, I’m sure everyone I knew from blogging has moved on. Inlcuding Mayu and the old ACWW crew.

As I’ve told you guys before I’m in love with drawing. So my new blog is drawings. Still check out my youtube. I’m on there a lot too.


-Adios, Candy x

Really Quick Update

Okay, what the fudge am I making a update for? This blog will be down the loo as fast as I flush it down. (WTF?) So I just am being my “Oh-so-random”  self and blogging like a lunatic. I actually haven’t been on my DS at all lately, firstly.

But secondly I have been drawing… alot. Well I have a youtube channel and I put some drawings up recently and I got amazing feedback. I’m so happy. I have around 200 subscribers! It’s so  exciting! I like drawing Manga/Anime. It’s cartoon sure but it’s freaking amazing.

I can’t wait for Pokemon Black and White to come the freak out! >:D I’m getting white so… I’m freaking out. Lol. Well it was only a quick update… so sorry for taking 3 minutes from your “Oh-so-busy” lives. TTYL.



Okay, hi everyone!

Today I’m just going to do a quick post about all my friends (I know… how sad O.o)

I’ve made lots of friends on Acww! 😀

Okay here goes…

  • Mayu – great friend, helped me in Acww, and is an all rounded generous person! 😀
  • Sorcha – she is a awesome buddy and one of my Acww bff’s, I hope she get’s her wi-fi back soon!
  • Summer – she was the best veer, so petite and pleasant, I miss her loads! 🙂
  • Herti – great friends with her, chat to her a bit on MSN, whenever she’s on… I miss her too!
  • Claire – a wonderful person and a close mate! I love her so much, and would love to wi-fi with her again!
  • Zoe – really nice, her town was beautiful and I loved wi-fing with her loads!
  • Jane – She was a close friend and I miss her, I don’t know if she’s still active/she’s changed her name… but I’ve missed her
  • Shania & Julie – I always thought these two were a bundle package, they where great friends but they’ve quit according to their blog 😦
  • Damian, Cody & Cyrus – these three where absolute … BOYS… but were still a good laugh and funny, I miss you guys!
  • *Tonnes more of  people but I just forget ^^*

Candy’s back!

Hiya Everyone!

            Eeeek! :O I’m so excited! I’m back for the Summer! And hopefully here to stay!!! Yes, I’ve wanted to come back soo much after the past few months, like… LOADS! But I couldn’t I’m pretty busy during the school months, so I just didn’t have the time for my nintendo DS or Acww, but I’m back now and you’ll have a hard time getting rid of me!!! 😀

I’m older now, “well duh!!” and way more mature… 😆 Yeah well, I’, 13 now! Sweet 13! OMG! That means I haven’t played Acww in, like… a YEAR! Arrgghh! Okay, I admit, I tried to come back somewhere towards the end of 2009 but it just didn;t work out, with exams lurking around 🙄 Haha!

First off, I got a DSi! Woo-hoo! And uhm… lost my Acww game-card? (I think 😳 ) Okay Acww is kind of outdated in Gamestop… and I don’t think they sell it (do they!!?) 😆 So I got an R4 v1.4!!! Yeah! And I have Acww v1.1 on it (whatever 1.1 stands for ^^) Anyway, moving on… 🙄 Sorry I’m gonna have moments like that a bit… I’ve kind of… changed I suppose, well maybe :L You might think so because You haven’t seen me in AGES! 🙂

Okay so, I’m still doing a bit of Summer exams still! (I’m supposed to be studying but giving my boring blog a total MAKE-OVER!!!) 😆 Okay… so guys, I haven’t even set up my Acww town or anything!!! Eeek! OMG! I have to do that soon! Maybe on Sunday! We’re finished our Summer Exams on Friday! *Thank GOD!* :L

I only have one exam on Fiday: Geography! I really dislike Geo… 🙄 :L Hahaha I really dislike all subjects. Apart from bits of history and ART and Italiano! I love Italian!!! Ohh gosh… xP This reminds me first day of first year 😆 There I go again!!! Urgghh… ignore my rants 😛

Okay guys… sorry I got to go now… my DAD is nagging me about study 🙄 (are Dad’s supposed to nag!? :mrgreen: ) 😆

So GoodByyyyeee! 😉

                                      –Candy!! 😛 xD xXxxXx

I’m Back!

Hey everybody. I'm back but I'm not sure for how long. I'll probably do up my blog then hit the hay. I'm much more mature now and internet wise. I was such an immature kid.
